Rajha -印度餐厅主题
Not only dishes should be tasty - enjoy the mouth-watering design of Indian 餐厅 WordPress themeThe cherry on top of every 餐厅 is its cuisine and tastes of dishes. 但是创建一个...
Sales: 2
支持: 4.4/5
Delfa -水交付WordPress主题
The Delta WordPress theme is a suitable option for businesses involved in water 交付 services. It offers a wide range of customization options and flexibility to cater to your specific needs.
Sales: 39
支持: 3.7/5


不管你卖的是蒸馏水还是泡腾水, we have the perfect WordPress Water Themes that will turn your business into a one-stop-shop for all your customers' water needs. Just pick the one you like most, start customizing it right away and create a website easily!


如果你提供瓶装矿泉水或送水服务, 你必须有一个好看的网站. 尤其是当你和公司客户打交道的时候. 你是否卖过滤器, 水冷却器, 设备, pumps, water fountains - allow your customers to enjoy the premium online experience as well. 这是吸引老顾客的第一步!

就模板而言, these have all major functionalities to help you run your website with as little amount of time as possible. 首先,每个都是100%的响应. That means that content is optimized per screen resolution and device it is accessed on. Thanks to our WordPress Mineral Water Themes you can reach your potential clients whether they are on a desktop, 或者通过任何移动设备浏览互联网.

图片和滑块相当突出,吸引注意力, 增加在网站上花费的时间. Advertise your products with banners, or even through a blog section. Tell your customers why they should choose you and not your competitors. 用富媒体、画廊、视频或音频文件来做吗. 在专门的FAQ页面上回答任何可能的问题.

除了出色的在线体验, you can drive the click-through rates and engagement with a blog functionality. Create engaging content and then share it across all social media networks - get your brand name recognizable. All our WordPress Portable Water Themes are SEO-friendly as well, so you can improve your rankings.

Contact us if you happen to need any sort of assistance - we offer full 24/7 support for all our 新的WordPress模板.

Make sure customers get what they need from you by buying one of our specialized 水WordPress主题.

不要错过参观我们收藏的 喝WordPress主题 为一个伟大的选择相关的设计.

最棒的Aqua WordPress主题视频教程

This tutorial showing you how to make pages show posts from certain categories.



WordPress themes are made by both individual freelancers and web design agencies.


您可以将任何类型的更改应用于现成的WordPress主题. 通常来说, 这种预先设计的主题包括许多布局选项, 额外的页面, skins, plugins, 视觉页面构建器可以极大地简化任务.


为了翻译一个主题, make sure that the WordPress product that you have chosen is translation-ready. 接下来,在你的电脑上安装Poedit软件.

  • 打开Poedit并选择Create new translation.
  • 选择要翻译主题的语言.
  • 突出显示要翻译的任何字符串.
  • 一旦你翻译了你的主题, save the file (lt_LT in this example) in the same directory as the original template.

Which Water Store WordPress theme is intended to be used for multipurpose sites?

The collection of multipurpose themes expands and grows all the time. 这些数码产品 Monstroid and Monstroid2 are the top WordPress themes that are ready to be used for a range of niche-specific sites.


Take the following steps in order to rename 'themeXXXXX' to custom name in WordPress.

  • 登录你的WordPress管理面板.
  • Navigate to Appearance > Editor
  • 在样式表(样式)中.css)文件更改主题名称:themeXXXXX到您的名字.


Today, we are the members of an international and globalized online community. 我们的世界在不断变化.

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Today, we are the members of an international and globalized online community. 我们的世界在不断变化.

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Today, we are the members of an international and globalized online community. 我们的世界在不断变化.

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Today, we are the members of an international and globalized online community. 我们的世界在不断变化.

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